MicMac will be held in the Centre d’Enseignement et de Congrès of the Hopital Pierre Paul Riquet building, located on the Purpan campus. The address is: Av. du Professeur Jean Dausset, 31300 Toulouse.
How to reach the venue
The venue is located about 30min by bike or public transportation (just in from onf the Purpan tram station) from the centre of Toulouse. The Tisseo App can be useful.
From the train station
· Take the bus 45 at Jeanne d’Arc and stop at Chardonnet
· Take the Metro B, change at Arenes. Take the tram to Purpan
From the airport
Take the bus 31, change at Pasteur-Mairie de Blagnac. Take the tram to Purpan. It is also 10 min by taxi.
Please send us an email if you have a question: