Workshops tutorials
Wednesday – March 19th
The entire workshop day will be dedicated to practical aspects and tutorials. The morning session will feature two lectures on quantitative signal analysis in epilepsy and HFOs. In the afternoon, attendees will have the opportunity to choose between two hands-on tutorial tracks, during which they will learn the latest data processing tools. To attend the hands-on tutorials, participants are required to register and bring their own laptops.
Quantitative EEG analysis in Epilepsy
This workshop (2X2 hours) on Quantitative EEG Analyses in Epilepsy is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of advanced analytical techniques for interpreting intracerebral EEG data. Participants will explore methods such as connectivity analyses and other methods to caracterize the seizure onset zone with a focus on clinical practice. The workshop will include hands-on sessions with real iEEG datasets, highlighting how quantitative approaches can enhance the identification of epileptic networks, optimize diagnosis, and inform treatment strategies. By attending, participants will gain practical experience and a deeper appreciation of the potential of quantitative EEG to advance precision medicine in epilepsy.
More details on this workshop will be provided later, stay tuned…
Analysing HFOs
Join us for a hands-on workshop (2×2 hours) on High Frequency Oscillations (HFOs) in epilepsy, designed for clinicians, researchers and students working in the field of epilepsy. This workshop will cover the basics of HFO detection, analysis and interpretation, emphasising their role as biomarkers of epileptogenic zones. Participants will gain practical skills using state-of-the-art tools for HFO identification in intracranial EEG, with guided sessions led by experts in the field. he workshop will include hands-on sessions with real iEEG datasets. By attending, you’ll improve your understanding of how HFOs may (or may not) improve diagnostic accuracy and learn how to use HFOs in research protocols (cognitive and clinical). Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your expertise, network, chat with other participants and have a good time!
More details on this workshop will be provided later, stay tuned…
Please be present at 9:00 for badge pickup and breakfast
Conferences – Preliminary program
Thursday – March 20th
HFO in epilepsy: what they are and why should we care?
9:00 – Registration – Welcome breakfast
9:20 – Event introduction – Luc Valton
9:30 – Liset Menendez de la Prida – Machine learning analysis of brain oscillations in health and disease
10:00 – Milan Brazdil – HFO, VHFO and beyond
10:30 – Mariam Al Harrach / Fabrice Wendling – Neuro-inspired computational modeling of EEG signals and optimization of HFO recording
11:00 – Coffee Break
11:30 – Maeike Zijlmans – HFOs and ECoG during epilepsy surgery
12:00 – Jean Gotman – How good are HFOs at marking the epileptogenic zone?
12:30 – Lunch & Poster session
Cutting the Gordian knot: the intricate relationship between sleep and brain rhythms
14:00 – Laurent Sheybani – Role of slow waves in shaping network excitability
14:30 – Laure Peter-Derex – Intracerebral rhythms during REM sleep and their disturbances in epilepsy
15:00 – Adrien Peyrache – TBC (Sleep)
15:30 – Coffee Break
16:00 – Jérôme Aupy – Corticostriatal interdependance in sEEGA
16:30 – Amaury de Barros – TBA
17:00 – Pierre Mégevand – Functional brain mapping with intracranial EEG: toward a semi-automated approach
17:30 – Michał Kucewicz – Coincident bursts of high frequency oscillations across the human cortex precede free memory recall
Friday – March 21st
Brain rhythms: deep brain structures are also involved!
8:30 – Breakfast
9:00 – Adrien Causse – Comparative analysis of oscillatory dynamics in the human and rodent brains
9:30 – Florian Mormann – TBA
10:00 – Federica Lareno-Faccini – Hippocampo-cortical dynamics underlying memory formation and consolidation
10:30 – Marcel Kehl – Ripples Facilitate Human Memory Consolidation by Reactivating Learning-Related Neurons
11:00 – Coffee Break
11:30 – Julien Bastin – Functional antagonisms between ventromedial prefrontal cortext and anterior insula during value-based decisions
12:00 – Posters highlights – Presentation of a selection of posters
12:30 – Lunch & Poster session
Dispalyed during the whole event
Attendees will be able to engage in discussion with the speakers, explore future trends in the field, and present their current research on posters.
Posters will be presented during the breaks of the 19th and 20th. A selection of posters will be made to be presented in the auditorium on the 21st.
Poster presenters have to register for this session. Poster submission deadline: February 28th.
Speakers & Instructors
To Be Announced…